The astrobiology community in the IAU has the tradition to hold a series of scientific meetings every three years. For a truly multidisciplinary discussion, we welcome researchers at the frontier of science from the fields of astronomy, planetary and space science, chemistry, biology, geology, philosophy, sociology and ethical issues, among others.
RED’18 – Astrobiology Introductory Course
This meeting is addressed to:
• Any student preparing his PhD thesis in Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Biology or History/Philosophy of sciences in France or any other country.
• Any students wishing to acquire an interdisciplinary training in astrobiology to complete their initial training and to be able to address issues at the origins of life on Earth, its evolution and its distribution in the Universe.
The program of RED’17/Astrobiology Introductory Course is complementary to that of RED’17, however it is not necessary to have followed it to participate in this new school.
The session-RED’18/Astrobiology Introductory Course will be held from 4 to 10 March 2018 in the Ornithological Park of le Teich (33, France).
Welcome to ABC – AstroBiology Centre
In February 2011 it was decided to extend the activities in astrobiology by creating a Stockhom University Astrobiology Centre. Although the research training activities will continue, the scope of the centre will encompass multidisciplinary science projects, outreach activities and co-operation with other astrobiology institutions. Monthly seminars and journal clubs complemented the programme. Furthermore, one planning meeting was held every year to plan and discuss new cross-disciplinary research projects. Funding has been secured for 5 Graduate Students and 4 post-docs during the next 4 years. This interdisciplinary and virtual centre will be carrying on the activities of the Graduate School on a broader and larger scale. The tasks of SU-ABC are:
- to perform multidiscipliny research in astrobiology at Stockholm University
- to identify and plan new cross-disciplinary research projects in the area
- to train the next generation of astrobiologists
- to disseminate knowledge of astronomy in the society
- to cooperate with leading astrobiology institutions